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SINCE 1961...

We design and manufacture abrasive discs at the
top of performance, quality and safety.


Choose more than one competitive advantage.
Those who choose GLOBE buy more than one disc.

  • More cuts and more material removed in less time…
  • Greater precision and lower energy consumption…
  • Less disk consumption, lower shipping and storage costs…

Our latest innovations at the service of your performance and profitability


We meet all your needs: from
the largest to the niche.

Since 1961 we have been manufacturing and marketing GLOBE and CUSTOMER BRAND abrasive discs worldwide according to the strictest quality standards in order to be a trusted partner for users and manufacturers.

Costante ricerca e sviluppo finalizzate al miglioramento continuo del prodotto

progettare e realizzare prodotti abrasivi innovativi e performanti attraverso tecnologie uniche e proprietarie.

a 360° tracciate e certificate dalle origini all'utilizzatore

minori consumi energetici, maggior durata, produttività, minori sprechi...a vantaggio vostro e dell'ambiente.